Traffic stop nets DWI and Drug arrestOn 4-3-21 around 2am, Hood County Sheriff’s Office Deputies conducted a traffic stop at Fall Creek Hwy. and East Hwy. 377.During the stop Julian Janetzko (25 yoa) was found to be in possession of 3 grams of cocaine and was also...

Local News in Hood County
“Information for the people, by the people”
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Drug Investigation Yields 2 in Custody
Drug investigation yields 2 in custodyOn 3-18-21 around 5am, Hood County Sheriff’s Office Deputies conducting a drug investigation at the 9500 block of East Hwy. 377 arrested Erika Galdeano (26 yoa) and Justin Daniel Holmes (31 yoa).Galdeano was charged with...
COVID Testing Company Under Investigation
COVID testing company under investigationHood County Sheriff’s Office Investigatorsare receiving information from citizens thatwent for COVID testing at the 3900 block ofHwy. 377 in Granbury on 12-8-20 and 12-9-20 in the parking lot of a Grocery Store.Citizens are...
Eviction Turns into a Drug Investigation
Eviction Turns into a Drug InvestigationOn 10-1-20 around 9am, Hood CountySheriff’s Office Deputies were assisting theHood County Constable’s Office with aneviction at the 1800 block of Ports O Call Ct.During the incident, Patrick Thomas Pearce(33 yoa) was found to be...
2 Men Arrested in Alleged Kidnapping Attempt
On 4-23-20 around 1232 pm, Hood CountySheriff’s Office Deputies responded to anattempted kidnapping where two juvenilegirls ages 10 and 9 claimed two adult mentried to grab them while they were walkingon Garry Ct.Deputies located the 2 males in questionand placed them...
Disturbance Leads to Arrest of Boyfriend
Disturbance Leads to Arrest of Boyfriend On 4-6-20 around 6pm, Hood County Sheriff’s Office Deputies responded to a disturbance in the 400 block of Siesta Ct. Deputies discovered Michael Karl Halder II (33 yoa) allegedly threatened his 38-yearold girlfriend with a...
First COVID-19 Death Reported in Hood County
One Hood County resident diagnosed with COVID-19 died today.The deceased was a man in his 60's with preexisting health complications.No further identifying information will be publicly released; public health authorities and family members have been notified. Hood...
Information regarding seven positive COVID-19 cases in Hood County
One hundred and twenty five Hood County residents have now been tested for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), with six confirmed positive cases and one additional family member presumed positive. Two of the seven are currently hospitalized at Lake Granbury Medical...
Hood County Confirms Third Case of COVID19
Hood County's third positive COVID-19 case was confirmed last night.This patient was tested four days ago at Lake Granbury Medical Center after developing fever and respiratory symptoms consistent with COVID-19. The patient works in the transportation industry in...
Hood County Receives Second Confirmed Case of COVID19
We have received word that Hood County has it's second confirmed case of COVID19. We will update this article when more information is released.
WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Government Code5 418.108, Hood County Judge issued a Declaration of Local Disaster due to Public Health Emergency on March 19, 2020 due to imminent threat of widespread illness from COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the County Judge has determined that...
Hood County Sheriff’s Office Modifies Calls for Service for Deputies
Hood County Sheriff’s Office modifies calls for service for Deputies Hood County Sheriff’s Office is staying vigilant on the COVID-19 (corona virus) and Hood County appears to be in good shape as of press time. In an effort to keep employees and the public safe, we...