Update on Texas Trail deaths
The following is a statement issued as press release directly from the Hood County Sheriff’s Department. No wording has been paraphrased or altered in anyway.
On 7-30-18 Hood County Sheriff’s Office
received the preliminary autopsy report
from the Tarrant County Medical
Examiner’s Office ref. the deaths of Jessica
Winters and Dylan Rochlin.
Winters’ death was ruled a murder and
Rochlin’s death was ruled a suicide.
There has been some confusion in the media and social media as to the case being a Murder/Suicide or a Double Suicide.
This can be attributed to a miscommunication Sheriff Deeds had with one of the investigators that worked the scene on Texas Trail.
On 7-28-18 Sheriff Deeds spoke to a reporter with the Hood County News by phone and relayed the information from the investigator.
I Hope this news release clears up the
matter and any question can be addressed
by calling Lt. Johnny Rose at 817-579-3318.
The case is still under investigation and will
not be closed until a final determination is
made with consideration of the evidence,
along with the completion of the final
autopsy report by the Tarrant County
Medical Examiner’s Office.