City to Begin Mosquito Spraying Season in April
The City is kicking off efforts for this season’s preventative measures to help control the mosquito population during mosquito season in Granbury. Residents are encouraged to implement mosquito control efforts at their own homes as well.
Mosquito Spraying
Trained City staff will be using chemical fogging to help control the mosquito population. Truck-mounted spraying will be conducted by as often as twice weekly, depending upon insect population and weather conditions. Spraying will mainly be conducted on the weekends; however, it may take place on weekdays as weather dictates. Spraying cannot be conducted in rain or mist and can only be accomplished when winds are between one and ten (1-10) miles per hour. To the extent possible, City staff tries to schedule spraying between 9 p.m. and 12:30 a.m.
What Residents Can Do
Mosquito spraying will not eliminate mosquitoes completely. The City asks that residents take action to help prevent mosquito infestation as well. Residents should empty and replace outside water sources for pets daily to prevent ingestion of sprayed chemicals. Other areas of outdoor standing water should be eliminated, when possible, to remove favorable mosquito breeding conditions. These include planters, buckets, tires, children’s swimming pools, gutters, etc. Chemical “donuts” are available at hardware and home improvement stores for residents to purchase to place in detention basins and abandoned pools.
Mosquitos are most active at dusk and dawn. Residents can protect themselves from mosquito bites by applying an insect repellant containing DEET and by wearing protective clothing.
To read the mosquito spraying FAQs, view the Granbury mosquito control map, and learn more about mosquito bite prevention and techniques to control the mosquito population at your home, visit To sign-up to receive email/text notifications when mosquito spraying will take place, visit