Out of state man returned to his home
On 9-14-21 around 3am, a Hood County Sheriff’s Office Deputy almost had a head on collision with a vehicle at the 200 block of Hwy. 377.
During the traffic stop the Deputy discovered an 80-year-old man from Alamagordo New Mexico displaying dementia or alzheimer’s symptoms.
The man stated he left his home to by cigars and got lost.
After a few phone calls with Alamagordo PD and the man’s wife, it was determined that
no one could come get him or help him get home.
The man was taken to the Hood County Sheriff’s Office and was fed and care for while other arrangements were searched out.
A volunteer Cresson fireman, who is also a pilot, volunteer to fly the man back to his home, along with a Hood County Sheriff’s Office Deputy as an escort.
By 630 pm the man was safely returned to his home and his family will make plans on how to get the man’s vehicle back to New Mexico.
Quote from Sheriff Roger Deeds:
“Sometimes being a Lawman has nothing to do with the law. We just couldn’t let him leave on his own, knowing he may never make it back home.”